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Addictive behaviors

Journal Volume: 76
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2017
Articles in SafetyLit: 16

Change in college students' perceived parental permissibility of alcohol use and its relation to college drinking

Depressive symptoms, ruminative thinking, drinking motives, and alcohol outcomes: a multiple mediation model among college students in three countries

Drinking to cope with depression mediates the relationship between social avoidance and alcohol problems: a 3-wave, 18-month longitudinal study

Early alcohol use with parental permission: psychosocial characteristics and drinking in late adolescence

Ethanol-induced autonomic responses and risk taking increase in young adults with a positive family history of alcohol problems

Explicit drinking identity and alcohol problems: the mediating role of drinking to cope

Goal commitment predicts treatment outcome for adolescents with alcohol use disorder

How acceptable are intoxicated behaviors? Discrepancy between personal versus perceived approval

Implicit and explicit internalized stigma: relationship with risky behaviors, psychosocial functioning and healthcare access among people who inject drugs

Incremental predictive validity of the Addiction Severity Index psychiatric composite score in a consecutive cohort of patients in residential treatment for drug use disorders

Perception of intoxication in a field study of the night-time economy: blood alcohol concentration, patron characteristics, and event-level predictors

Recent cannabis use among veterans in the United States: results from a national sample

Solitary drinking is associated with specific alcohol problems in emerging adults

The association between multidimensional feminine norms, binge drinking and alcohol-related problems among young adult college women

Trajectories of risk behaviors across adolescence and young adulthood: the role of race and ethnicity

What's the harm? Alcohol and marijuana use and perceived risks of unprotected sex among adolescents and young adults